Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sunday Snapshot [12.15.2013]

It's been a little while since I've blogged on here.
But I'm really hoping that with winter break next week, I'll be able to create a schedule to stick to!

In the meantime, I'll quickly share a little about what I've been up to and some really great links!

So I don't think I've said anything about this here yet…but I was accepted into two of the colleges I applied to!  Although they weren't my first choice, it's great to know that I'm at least going somewhere next year!  This week I hear back from a college that's up on my list so my fingers are crossed!

This Billy on the Street from Funny or Die with Amy Poehler making New Yorkers sing Christmas carols is actually the funniest thing I've seen in a long time!  I literally couldn't stop laughing out loud.

Really love this article about friendships from The College Prepster.  It really makes me feel so much better about those lost friendships at such a weird point in my life.

Speaking of The College Prepster, Carly wrote an amazing Prep Talk today about focusing on the good.  Again, it couldn't have come at a better time.
Obsessed with this quote now: "Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow." - Hellen Keller

I turned 18 on Friday!  I finally hit adulthood!  And no, I don't feel like an adult at all.
It's weird to think that I'm legal!

I'm really trying to enjoy senior year as much as possible.  It's crazy how quickly this year is going by.  Christmas is next week already!  Like what?

I'm really excited for the Christmas and the chance to just breathe for a few days.

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday!
When you are struggling to get through your Monday tomorrow…just think about how close Christmas is!


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