Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday Snapshot [11.3.13]

Guess who finally finished all their college applications?
Yes - this girl right here!  Last night I submitted my last application!!
I keep reading that sentence over and over again because I just can't believe it.
I stayed up until 5:30am Wednesday night finishing all my apps with November 1st deadlines.
I don't know how, but I did!  The only explanation I can think of is mind over matter!

Last weekend I attended Fashion PR Confidential (I'll have a post up about it this week!) and had an incredible time! Communications/Public Relations is what I'm thinking about studying in college so this was a great experience to learn more about it!

November just really snuck up on me.  I can't believe October is already over!  It was without a doubt, probably the busiest month of my life.  Between college visits, college applications, school work, and other little events...I don't know how I got through it.

But I'm really excited for November.
I have a three day week this week due to teacher conventions so I'm definitely grateful for that!
I'm going to visit another college this weekend with my best friend, which should be a lot of fun!

Then I have two more weeks of school to get through before Thanksgiving break!  How crazy is that?  I'm looking forward to yummy food and of course crazy Black Friday shopping!

Then it's basically December!
But now I'm getting way ahead of myself...

Here's a little list of things I've seen and found within the past few weeks!

PurseBlog posted this great article this week about the whole Barney's situation.  I spent about a half hour reading the comments regarding incidents readers had in similar situations.  It's so interesting to hear other's experiences in situations where they were treated poorly based on how they look and dress!

- I got an email from this random online boutique last week and actually fell in love with the jewelry section!  They have great statement necklaces that look like they could be from J.Crew....yet they are just a fraction of the price!

- In our little gift bags at Fashion PR Con we were there was a nail polish from Pretty Please.  I'm officially obsessed and will be gifting all my friends these polishes for the holidays!

Okay can we please address & celebrate the red holiday cups at Starbucks now?  And of course I had to insta a picture.  It's like a rule.
- Speaking of holidays, someone tweeted this picture yesterday with this link...already marked my calendar as busy basically every night.


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