Thursday, August 9, 2012

End of Summer To-Do List

I can't believe how quickly the end of summer is approaching!  With only four weeks (exactly!) left of summer, I'm literally freaking out.  I'm extremely anxious about starting my junior year of high school.  Trying to ease my anxiety about starting school, I want to make sure that I fill the rest of what's left of summer with fun and exciting things to do!  I made a list of all the things I need to do before school starts and my life ends.

1. Go to the beach a few more times! 
Working on a sun-kissed glow for picture day!

2. Do a little back to school shopping at the best boutiques in SoHo.

3. Volunteer more!

4. Run a 5k!

5. Have a backyard camp fire {with s'mores of course!} and catch up with good friends before the craziness starts.

What do you want to accomplish before summer ends?


  1. Im going back to school shopping this week too! Whats your favorite store in soho?

    1. c.wonder has to be my favorite store in soho!

  2. You're not alone. I didn't get half the stuff done on my bucket list for summer so I'm pounding them out this month. Hectic but worth it! If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest posts!

    1. thanks for stopping by my blog! i would love to check out yours! (:
